Shine Years amp; Years

[00:01.64]I remember us alone我獨自憶及當初的我們
[00:20.38]Waiting for the light to go苦等日光初現得以出發
[00:22.12]Don't you feel that hunger? - I've got難道你沒感受到那種渴求
[00:23.63]So many secrets to show我有許多秘密將要揭曉
[00:27.15]When I saw you on the stage當我看你在舞台之上
[00:29.14]I shiver with the look you gave你顯露的神色使我興奮萬分
[00:31.14]Don't you hear that rhythm, can you難道你沒聽到那和諧的節律
[00:33.65]Show me how we can escape?可否告訴我怎樣才能逃離當下煩憂
[00:41.15]I was biting my tongue,我隱忍緘默不語
[00:43.17]I was trying to hide我極力掩飾回避
[00:49.18]I'll forget what I've done我將忘記過往犯下的荒唐
[00:51.94]I will be redefined我將被你重新定義
[00:53.69]It's shaking the sky陽光震徹晴空
[00:56.18]And I'm follow the lightning我正追隨雷鳴電閃
[00:59.44]I'll recover if you keep me alive我將在你引燃的烈火中重生
[01:02.71]Don't leave me behind不要刻意把我遺忘在過往
[01:04.96]Can you see me I'm shining你可見我正光芒四射
[01:08.46]and It's you that I've been waiting to find我一直伺機尋覓的就是你
[01:13.49]I'm holding it all tonight我今晚將之緊擁不放
[01:14.23]I'm folding it all tonight(unfolding)撥雲見日使其明朗
[01:15.73]you know that you make it shine你知道事物因你閃耀
[01:17.50]and It's you that I've been waiting to find我一直期盼得到的就是你
[01:20.99]I'm holding it all tonight我今晚將之緊擁不放
[01:22.76]I'm folding it all tonight(unfolding)撥雲見日使其明朗
[01:24.75]you know that you make it shine你知道事物因你閃耀
[01:26.76]it's you that I've been waiting to find我一直期盼得到的就是你
[01:38.25]Now we can hear that sound(now that)既然我們可以聽到震耳之聲
[01:40.50]I know that you can hold me down(now that)既然我可以被你牢牢掌控
[01:41.99]You can pull me under you can你讓能我神魂顛倒
[01:44.51]raise everything to the ground你能讓萬物煥然勃發
[01:47.02]everything I can arrange即使是我籌劃在手的一切
[01:49.27]and every part of me you change也被你點滴改變
[01:51.54]just hold on together to me隻是別讓我的心支離破碎
[01:53.28]you'll always want me to stay告訴我你總願我守候
[02:00.31](Cos') I was biting my tongue,我隱忍緘默不語
[02:03.05]I was trying to hide我極力掩飾回避
[02:09.33]I'll forget what I've done我將忘記過往犯下的荒唐
[02:11.83]I will be redefined我將被你重新定義
[02:13.84]It's shaking the sky陽光震徹晴空
[02:16.08]and I'm following lightning我正追隨雷鳴電閃
[02:19.33]I'll recover if you keep me alive我將在你引燃的烈火中重生
[02:22.57]Don't leave me behind不要刻意把我遺忘在過往
[02:25.08]Can you see me I'm shining你可見我正光芒四射
[02:28.34]and it's you that I've been waiting to find我一直伺機尋覓的就是你
[02:31.33]I wanna be the one you steal我想成為你亟亟竊取的唯一
[02:33.60]I wanna be the one you shield我想成為你竭力守護的唯一
[02:35.84]I wanna be the one, that your love, that your love我想成為你以愛治愈的唯一
[02:40.83]I wanna be the one you steal我想成為你亟亟竊取的唯一
[02:42.35]I wanna be the one you shield我想成為你竭力守護的唯一
[02:44.37]I wanna be the one, that your love, that your love我想成為你以愛治愈的唯一
[02:58.13]It's shaking the sky陽光震徹晴空
[03:00.63]and I'm following lightning我正追隨雷鳴電閃
[03:03.89]I'll recover if you keep me alive我將在你引燃的烈火中重生
[03:06.63]Don't leave me behind不要刻意把我遺忘在過往
[03:09.39]Can you see me I'm shining你可見我正光芒四射
[03:12.63]and it's you that I've been waiting to find我一直伺機尋覓的就是你
[03:15.89]I'm holding it all tonight我今晚將之緊擁不放
[03:17.89]I'm folding it all tonight(unfolding)撥雲見日使其明朗
[03:20.13]You know that you make it shine你知道事物因你閃耀
[03:22.14]It's you that I'll be waiting to find我一直期盼得到的就是你
[03:24.39]I'm holding it all tonight我今晚將之緊擁不放
[03:26.65]I'm folding it all tonight(unfolding)撥雲見日使其明朗
[03:29.15]You know that you make it shine你知道事物因你閃耀
[03:30.89]It's you that I'll be waiting to find我一直伺機尋覓的就是你
[03:33.88]Tonight, tonight今晚,今晚
[03:38.14]It's you that I've been waiting to find我一直伺機尋覓的就是你
[03:42.40]Tonight, tonight今晚,今晚
[03:47.15]It's you that I've been waiting to find我一直期盼得到的就是你
