grace oohyo

[00:01.24]I see you walking down the street 眼睜睜地看你走向街角
[00:04.57]I see you coming back inside 眼睜睜地看你重回我的心
[00:08.15]I know you’re wondering 我知道你不懂
[00:09.99]what all this means to you 一切對於你的意義
[00:14.76]I know you’re breaking down tonight 我懂今夜你有多心碎崩潰
[00:18.30]but do you know how much it hurts 而你是否明白我有多受傷
[00:21.97]to see you closing back that door 眼睜睜地看你關上門
[00:26.92]I love you love you love you 我愛你 深愛你
[00:29.36]just the way you are 愛原本的你
[00:33.75]Love you love you love you 我愛你 深愛你
[00:37.00]the way you are 愛真正的你
[00:40.44]There’s nothing in this world 這個世界我再無其他期待
[00:42.47]that I would ever want 除了
[00:46.98]than to have you back in my arms. 你能夠重新回到我的懷裏
[00:54.97]I want to see you really smile 隻想看見你真摯的笑
[00:58.77]]Do you know it’s been a while 你是否注意到你很久沒有微笑?
[01:02.18]Have you noticed that 你是否注意到
[01:04.30]you’re far away from home 你已經遠離曾經的家?
[01:08.75]Do you like it where you are 你是否喜歡現在的安生之所?
[01:12.25]Do they treat you like a star 他們是否像璀璨的明星一般對待你?
[01:15.53]Do they sing for you 他們是否像
[01:17.36]the songs you always liked 以往你喜歡的那般為你高歌?
[01:22.82]You’re scared of all the lies 你懼怕虛偽的謊言
[01:25.98]All you want is a sign 你渴望的不過是
[01:29.23]Telling you where to go 告訴你該何去何從的指引
[01:36.06]There’s no other way to turn 再也沒有回頭之路了
[01:39.55]The only lesson you learned 你意識到唯一的原因便是
[01:43.09]is to never forget your way back home 你決不會忘記回家的路
[01:48.13]I love you love you love you 我愛你 深愛你
[01:50.47]just the way you are 愛原本的你
[01:54.86]Love you love you love you 我愛你 深愛你
[01:58.02]the way you are 愛真正的你
[02:01.40]There’s nothing in this world 在這個世界上
[02:03.65]that I would ever want 我別無所求
[02:08.10]than to have you back in my arms. 除了你能夠回到我的懷裏
[02:17.01]Waiting for you 為你等待
[02:20.30]deep in the night 寂靜的深夜
[02:24.31]to tuck you into bed 伴你入眠
[02:30.19]I’m waiting for you 我正在等待你
[02:33.82]arms open wide 為你張開懷抱
[02:41.55]I want to see you smile tonight 今夜隻想看你再展笑顏
[02:45.52]Love you love you love you 我愛你 深愛你
[02:48.24]just the way you are 愛原本的你
[02:52.20]Love you love you love you 我愛你 深愛你
[02:55.54]]the way you are 愛真正的你
[02:59.12]There’s nothing in this world 在這個世界
[03:01.47]that I would ever want 我別無所求
[03:05.69]than to have you back in my arms. 唯一期待的就是能夠重回我懷抱
[03:33.13]have you back in my arms. 你能夠重新回到我懷抱嗎?
